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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:47 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:50 pm
Posts: 7
Hello, this is the place where we memorialize the Mario fansites that are no longer with us. In this list the second group can be considered a subset of the first one.

List A: Sites that no longer update (but that one can still view)

1. Lemmy's Land - this site was pretty much the Dollar Store of Mario fansites. Everything was there, art, comics, games, fan fiction, etc. but it wasn't exactly the best of the lot for any one of them I shall admit. Had a forum that still lives under a new name (Last Life).
2. Super Mario Bros. Headquarters (SMBHQ) - basically an earlier site in the ilk of Lemmy's Land (except for the funny memories section). This was so old it was relevant in the latter days of the N64! Had a forum.
3. The ShyGuy Kingdom - this was like TSR before it existed. It's officially told people to go to TSR. Had no forum.
4. Mario Monsters - Mario Monsters (wow shocker huh) got stats, related monsters, appearances, and an original piece of art per monster. Had no forum.
5. Super Mario 128 Central - this was KINDA a general fan site but less active? I don't know, it had a kinda bland design and profanity so I didn't investigate much. Had a forum.
6. Mariology Forums - this was kinda like Waluigious, the forum, but it's almost inactive these days. Was a forum.
7. Koopatoriavm - this had a card game, oekaki, and a forum. I haven't viewed it much. Had a forum.
8. The Luigi Awareness Society - last updated in 2003! This site was dedicated to the plumber in green. Had no forum.
9. The Super Mario Bros. Super Site! - this site was about the Mario shows. It almost went offline, but GameZero archived it.
10. The Mario Headquarters - ...okay this beat TLAS. It last updated in 1999! Appeared to be a general site. Had no forum. Did those even exist back then?
11. The Super Mario Royal Castle - yet another general site. Has a quite nice design for not being modified since 2003-2005 or so (the goodbye message was belated and in 2010).

List B: Sites that no longer exist in a freely visitible form

1. Donut Plains - the follow-up to SMRPG Legacy and Mario Legacy (those sites would go in list A). I don't know much about it except that it had mp3 soundtracks for Mario and DK games. Had a forum.
2. Waluigious - this blog-site was the bomb. It had many analytical articles. Had no forum.
3. - used to host the fangame SMBX and many flash games. Nintendo reclaimed it and it now directs to Had a forum.
4. Kitchen Island - was a Wario site. No idea what it did in that template. Had a forum.
5. Mushroom Garden - no idea what this covered. It was just a link on Mario Wiki. Had no forum.
6. Super Mario Legacy - another dead Mario Wiki link. Had no forum.
7. Luigi Land - I know nothing about this other than that it was about Luigi and that Mario Monsters noted its former existence. Had no forum.
8. MarioBrosX - a former SMBX fan-site by TryLouBliss that looked and was kinda like the old one. It's been replaced with a goodbye message that will apparently disappear when his premium membership runs out.

If anyone can name any more dead sites I will be grateful.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 2:49 am 
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Stardust Fields. This site seems to be dead also.

Yoshi Station - A really old site what some LLers went to. I never went there so don't know much about it.

Luna Yoshi's Auditorium - Can't remember the exact name for this but was quite active back in the day. It is gone now I think.

The Porcupo Realm - One of many Geocities forums created by one of the ex-LLers.

Koopa Kid's Paradise - A Yahoo group which focused on the koopalings

Nintenkingdom64 - A forum what no longer exists.


PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:46 am 
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[url=]The Lemmy's Land Site & Forum Page[/url] - Blog run by several tourists of Lemmy's Land that had articles covering each update to Lemmy's Land, interviews of various tourists, reviews and critiques of different submissions, and more. No longer updated, but still viewable.

[url=*/]Nintendo Writer[/url] - I don't actually know much about it (I literally just found it), but it seems to be a site similar to Lemmy's Land (but covering more series than just Mario) run by Ryan-oshi that had fan fiction and a bunch of other stuff. No longer updated and is viewable on the Internet Archive.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:28 pm 
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It's odd how SMBHQ ended. The last real content updates were in 2010. Then it became a blog, and then it stopped updating in December 2011.

The only updates since then have been to the site renewal and copyright notice.

I don't know why they didn't do more with it during 2010-11.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:41 pm 
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I don't really remember SMBHQ ever being that active apart from a few new fics every now and then.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:00 pm 
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I remember going to Did Nintendo reclaim the site after the domain expired or did Nintendo reclaim the site when it was still up?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:28 pm 
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Nintendo forced the site's creator to hand over the domain name as per a cease and desist letter. :(


PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 7:05 pm 
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Maybe it could've lived longer with a different name. But life goes on.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 5:09 am 

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Supercomputer276's site

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2015 2:57 am 
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Seems it's time to move Lemmy's Land from "List A" to "List B." While most of it is still viewable on the Internet Archive, the actual site is gone now.

Edit: Nevermind.

Last edited by DY-Elzior on Tue May 19, 2015 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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