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PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:55 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:33 pm
Posts: 249
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
There are three rules.

1) Don't expose them to bright light. Especially sunlight.
2) Don't get them wet.
3) Don't feed them after midnight

Of course I am talking about the classic fan favourite "Gremlins". The third rule is something I have always wanted to write about and try and make some kind of sense about it. Time zones and daylight saving time are the main clashes with the rule. But what does it actually mean by "after midnight". And how much food is required for the transformation process of mogwai to gremlin to occur. Would just one small mouthful of a sandwich be enough? I will try and explain my own theories to this the best way I can.

Let me first just say that Gremlins is probably my all time favourite movie. I love everything about it and is also the earliest movie I can even remember watching as a little boy. I can also remember pretty much every part of it off by heart.

Anyway back to the third rule. I have thought about it and maybe the "after midnight" thing may not be as literal as it may seem. I mentioned Daylight Saving Time and also different time zones. The time zone idea is actually mentioned in Gremlins 2 with the aeroplane flight as an example during a mocking conversation.

I personally think it could be more to do with the amount of darkness as opposed to the actual time. Depending on the latitude of the mogwai prior to eating after midnight as well as also how long the night is on any given day. The mogwai to gremlin process could therefore occur if the eating happens at 10:45pm for example if it is pitch black. Other factors to include could be a full moon or even a total eclipse, which would be during the daytime.

As for when the rule ends, I will say it ends around sunrise, which would be either earlier or later depending on what time of year it is.

Sorry if this theory sucks, it was just some ideas I thought of, what I wanted to share.


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