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 Post subject: A Power Rangers Story
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:37 pm 
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A Power Rangers Story

This is an alternate universe story of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers how it could have happened had the original cast stayed up to the end. Ends after Power Rangers In Space. I have included some of my own characters also.
Chapter 1[/u][/b]
It is the year 1987, six years before the power rangers were formed. Professor Robert Coleman, a young lecturer of the age of 25 works at Stone Canyon University teaching astrophysics and astrobiology is a strong believer in aliens and was about to have his beliefs confirmed one night.

He was looking through his telescope late at night when he noticed something in the sky what caught his interest. He stared at it for quite some time before it began to start getting bigger and closer until it then disappeared. Robert moved his eyes from his telescope then used his naked eyes to scan the skies for the object. Then he heard a crash in his garden shed.

Robert ran into his shed just ahead and saw the same object he saw in the sky. He had no idea how it managed to get there without being seen nor damaging the roof. He stared at it for some time and realised exactly what it was. It was a spaceship. Robert took a big gulp and just stared in amazement.

The spaceship opened up and out stepped a tall black being with scales down its body resembling an anthromorphic lizard. Robert wasn't scared at all. He had waited for this moment for all his life.

“Are you the professor?” the being asked.

“You speak English?” Robert asked shocked. The being repeated his question without answering Robert's. Robert confirmed he was a professor.

“Good, I have been watching this planet for a long time. You are of very special interest to me and some of my friends. My name is Moffuzan and I have travelled a long distance. Your planet is in grave danger,” Moffuzan replied.

“Danger? What do you mean? And why am I of special interest?” Robert asked.

“You are a believer, right? You didn't get scared when you saw me and treated me like you would if you saw anyone of your species. That is why I have come to you. Anyway, I assume you know of Angel Grove?” Moffuzan asked, which Robert said he did.

Moffuzan then proceeded to tell Robert about what would soon happen in several years. He then showed Robert a holographic video what would later be known as the Millenium Message.
“What you have just seen is a proposed attack due to occur on this planet around the year 2000. I do not know the exact occurrence of events but all I do know is very soon, things are going to happen and Angel Grove will be just the beginning,” Moffuzan said.

“How do you know all this?” Robert asked.

“I have friends in high places. Some of us have connections to the people you have seen in the video but do not agree with their plans. I hope to put a stop to all this,” Moffuzan said.

“What about me? Is there anything I can do?” Robert asked.

“Nothing right now. All I will say is be wary and never EVER forget the name Dark Spector. Keep that name to yourself and look out for many kinds of aliens. I am just the first but many others might not be so friendly,” Moffuzan also warned. Before leaving again, Moffuzan said he will be back someday and then left using the same vanishing method.

Robert never said a word to this to anyone. It would not be till six years later in 1993 till he and the rest of humanity will begin to witness proper alien contact, and like Moffuzan said, it would not be friendly.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:17 pm 
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Chapter 2

It is now the year 1993 and it was during a hot summer's day when it happened. All began like a normal day in Angel Grove and in the youth centre, Jason was teaching a karate class, which also included Zack and Billy. Trini and Kimberly were doing gymnastics on the other side of the room.

It was a bit later when what appeared to be an earthquake struck the town and everyone fled for safety. When it prolonged, Jason started to get suspicious that it was not an earthquake. The five teenagers stayed put together and then they were teleported out the youth centre.

They found themselves in an unusual dark futuristic looking room. They got back to their feet and looked around not knowing what just happened. Billy was fascinated when he saw Alpha 5. There were lots of buttons in front of them what resembled a starship control system. Zordon appeared surprising them.

After a long discusssion about why they were there and talks about Rita's release from her dumpster, they were then given the coins what would be the source of their now given powers.

While all this was going on, Robert was driving up the road what connects Stone Canyon to Angel Grove. He stopped near the outskirts and drove down a side street when he witnessed the battle between Goldar and the power rangers from a safe distance.

“What the heck is that? What's going on?” Robert said to himself looking on. He saw everything from the zords, the megazord and Goldar dissapearing suddenly. Upon his return back to Stone Canyon, a familiar face from the past was there to greet him.

“You. What are you doing here?” Robert asked seeing Moffuzan.

“You saw what happened out there, didn't you? I told you things would happen. This is just the beginning. That alien you saw is called Goldar. A group of aliens have just been released from a space dumpster. Now they want revenge,” Moffuzan replied.

Robert was confused and did not know what Moffuzan was talking about at all and remained silent. This amused Moffuzan.

“Yes, I know. All this is hard to take in. Like I said before, Angel Grove is at threat. And with your knowledge and intelligence, you could also be a target,” Moffuzan added.

“Why are they attacking us? Why would I be a target?” Robert asked.

“There are several nasty groups out there who only want thing. And that is to conquer the universe. I am part of a secret organisation dedicated to preventing that from happening. We also have spies working undercover. You will find out more in time. You will be seeing a lot more of me in future and with recent events, it won't have to be so secret,” Moffuzan said.

While this talk was going on, another discussion was happening on the moon.

“So Zordon has chosen his power rangers. But that shouldn't be a problem. I still have the green power coin and I can choose just one human who will be stronger than all of those put together when the time comes,” Rita said.

“And when that happens, Earth will be ours for the taking,” Goldar replied. The group then laughed amongst themselves.

Later one member of Rita's group walked through the moon palace and walked into a room. Making sure he was alone, he then took out a radio transmitter and spoke through it.

“Have you told him?” the voice said through the walkie talkie.

“He knows. Operation Blackfoot must begin right away,” Moffuzan replied through the other end.

Putting the transmitter down, the traitor walked out and into his own room. Whoever it was had spent 10,000 years in a space dumpster along with the rest of Rita's henchman and was going to betray Rita and to work against her the whole time.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:04 pm 
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Chapter 3

Several weeks later and many more battles later, the power rangers had acquired a new power ranger, Tommy. Also at that same time, Scorpina was acquired for the bad side, who was a deadly warrior and also Goldar's wife.

Rita was in her moon palace and had been looking through her telescope for some time. She was in deep thought and kept her telescopef fixed on Tommy.

“Look at him, those rangers are so happy now that they have their green ranger onside,” Rita growled.

“Is something wrong, my queen? You seem very interested in the green ranger,” Finster said quite concerned. Rita had never been this observant on the rangers before Tommy showed up.

“No, I'm fine. I'm just thinking out loud,” Rita lied then walking away from the telescope. Turning to Finster, she then said, “How are the monsters getting on?”

“They are all almost ready, my queen. I have created a bunch of new monsters as well as improving on some of my old ones at the same time,” Finster replied.

“Excellent, I will check up on them when they are done. While you are doing that, I will think of a way to get my revenge on those power rangers,” Rita said.

Professor Robert Coleman was on a mission back on Earth. He had been given a strange message through his laptop and needed to check the contents. He travelled to Arecibo to look for something.
Arecibo is of course the home of the SETI Institute and he was sure this place would have some of the answers he was looking for.

Once he arrived there, he noticed the place was deserted and looked like it had been abandoned. He looked around to see if anyone had followed him and walked in the abandoned building. He went to a computer at the end of the room and proceeded to scan it with his own documents.

He typed a few buttons and something came up. Robert was onto something now and continued typing in a form of code similar to what he had been received on his own files. Robert pressed Enter after he had finished and the message was picked up instantly on the other side by whoever was watching.

This conversation lasted for five minutes before the other being had to end it.

“Rita wishes to see you on the balcony,” the voice outside the room said.

“I will be right out,” the being who was talking to Robert said.

Once this was done, Robert left Arecibo and returned back to Stone Canyon. Someone within Rita's group had been informing Robert about things what were happening, about future attacks and other things. Things what Moffuzan couldn't tell him. Moffuzan had been spending a lot of time on Onyx recently and been laying low for a while.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:31 pm 
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Chapter 4

Tommy and the gang were hanging out in the Juice Bar when Tommy's commuicator beeped. The gang walked into a quiet section and after ensuring they were alone, Tommy spoke through his communicator.

“We read you Zordon,” Tommy said.

“Come to the command centre immediately,” Zordon replied. The rangers immediately warped themselves to the command centre where Zordon and Alpha were waiting.

“Thank you rangers, I have some very important information what I need to tell you,” Zordon said.

“What's Rita up to now?” Kimberly asked concerned.

“It's not Rita. Although this is partly related. Both myself and Alpha have been receiving some strange messages I have pinpointed to be coming from Rita's palace,” Zordon replied.

“Messages? What kind of messages?” Tommy asked.

“Some kind of codes, we are unable to determine the meaning of it,” Alpha replied.

“Why would you be receiving messages from Rita?” Zack asked.

“I don't know although I have reason to believe it is not Rita. Billy, may we ask you to help us decode the messages? With your help, we can determine what they mean and we may also be able to find out the identity of the sender?” Zordon asked.

“Sure, I'll be glad to help,” Billy said. Billy then stayed behind as the rest of the power rangers returned to Angel Grove.

Meanwhile, one member of Rita's gang was in deep thought. He was determined to carry on working in his position but was getting quite worried that he would be found out as a mole and secretly working against Rita.

The periodic monster attacks were now getting a lot of media attention and the power rangers were also getting a lot of prescence on news outlets being treated like heroes. Although no-one knew of their identities.

This was a good time as any for Moffuzan to make an appearance. He returned to Earth's orbit after a long stay on Onyx and would wait for the next monster attack before showing his face.

Back at the command centre, Billy was almost done translating the messages what Zordon had received when the sirens went off. The rangers were called back and were all now on their way to another monster battle. Billy also joined them as Alpha made the final translations to the messages.

“Nice of you to join me rangers, now it's time to die,” Lizzinator said as he started battling the rangers. After an intense battle, Lizzinator almost got the upper hand and was about to finish off the rangers when a voice distracted him.

“Hey, you,” Moffuzan shouted approaching Lizzinator. This distraction allowed the rangers to escape out the way.
“Damn it, I could have destroyed them if it wasn't for you,” Lizzinator said now facing Moffuzan. “Who the hell are you anyway?”

“The name is Moffuzan and I am here to stop you,” Moffuzan replied taking a fighting stance now.

“Oh yeah? There is only room for one lizard monster and it isn't you,” Lizzinator taunted as he started attacking Moffuzan.

“Goldar, who is that other monster fighting Lizzinator?” Rita asked who was watching the scene from her palace.

“I don't know, I will send the putties to capture him. Maybe we can get him on our side,” Goldar replied as a group of putties was sent down to Earth.

The power rangers just watched with amazement at the scene not knowing what was going on.

Lizzinator started throwing boulders at Moffuzan sending him backwards.

“Hah, you can never defeat the great Lizzinator,” Lizzinator said as he charged towards Moffuzan. They ended up wrestling on the ground as the putties arrived. Lizzinator saw them approach and managed to pin Moffuzan down for the putties to take him.

“Let me go,” Moffuzan cried trying to break out of Lizzinator's hold but Lizzinator held him firm.

“I'm afraid I cannot do that. You're coming with us,” Lizzinator said.

The putties took Moffuzan and wrapped chains around him as they teleported out the area.

Turning back to the power rangers, Lizzinator grinned.

“I'll be back for you another day,” he said before warping out.

Moffuzan, now tied up in chains was locked in a dimensional prison with no way to escape.

Back at the command centre, the rangers were coming to terms at what just happened.

“Zordon, do you know who that other monster was? He doesn't seem to be one of Rita's,” Tommy asked.

“I'm sorry to inform you that I do not know who he is. Nor why he decided to battle Lizzinator,” Zordon replied.

“I think these messages might be able to help us find out what happened, I have now been able to fully decode it,” Alpha said.

They read through it all and became intrigued.

“So it appears that someone in Rita's palace is part of something known as Operation Blackfoot, a secret organisation, what this Moffuzan guy is involved in. But now we can't get hold of him as he has been captured and Rita will most certainly try and interrogate him and make him evil,” Billy replied.

“That is correct. There is nothing we can do right now. I will continue to study these messages and try and find out who else is involved and who actually sent these in the first place. You should all return back home, we will contact you if anything else comes up,” Zordon replied as the rangers were then dismissed.

Meanwhile back in the prison, Moffuzan struggled to escape his bonds when the Lizzinator warped in.

“You won't get away with this Lizzinator. None of you will,” Moffuzan said angrily.

“I don't think you're in any kind of position to make such statements,” Lizzinator scoffed. He walked over to Moffuzan and then knelt down in front of him.

“So why did you attack me and not the rangers?” Lizzinator asked.

Moffuzan kept quiet and turned his face away.

“So you won't talk? That's okay. Then you can just stay here,” Lizzinator replied.

“We aren't all like you. Some of us have morals. You will never win,” Moffuzan said.

“Morals?” Lizzinator laughed. “You have no morals, you're just like the rest of us monsters and aliens.”

“Don't try and compare me to you. We might look similar but we have different goals. What you are doing is wrong,” Moffuzan replied.

“You won't be saying that later. You will be working for Rita and all your memories will be gone. See ya later,” Lizzinator said before leaving. Moffuzan continued to struggle from the chains that were holding him. He was not going to let himself turn evil.


PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:16 pm 
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Chapter 5

The power rangers were called back into the command centre as Zordon had managed to pinpoint the dimensional co-ordinates where Moffuzan was being held.

“Are we sure we can trust this guy?” Jason asked unsure about the recent developments.

“Plus we don't even know if these messages from this other source can be trusted either,” Zack said.

“We have to. It does seem quite genuine to me. For now, we need to get Moffuzan out of there and find out more from him,” Billy replied.

“That is correct. But we need to hurry. Alpha will type in the co-ordinates and the warp portal will appear. One of you should go in and get Moffuzan out,” Zordon said.

“I will do it then,” Tommy replied as Alpha typed in the co-ordinates making a portal appear.

“Good luck Tommy,” Alpha said as Tommy walked in the portal. Seeing Tommy made Moffuzan breathe a sigh of relief.

“I'm here to rescue you,” Tommy said to Moffuzan as he untied the chains and they walked out together back into the command centre. The portal dissapeared straight after.

“The power rangers, nice to meet you all,” Moffuzan said looking at all of them who wasn't sure what to think. He then looked to Zordon recognising him.

“Welcome Moffuzan. Firstly I would like to thank you with your intervention against Lizzinator. You put yourself at great risk in doing so. Please take a moment,” Zordon replied.

“You WHAAAATTTT!!!,” Rita screamed back in the moon palace upon hearing of Moffuzan's escape. The rest of the minions cowered when Rita got angry. Her mood swings really scared some of the group as she walked into the back complaining of another headache.

Back at the command centre, Moffuzan explained about his role and of Operation Blackfoot.

“Operation Blackfoot. That is a secret codename for a group of rebel aliens and monsters opposed to the invasion of your planet and other planets too. I have tried to recruit others to our cause but without success. There is one other human who knows about it. Robert Coleman, he is a professor who teaches astrobiology and similar things. I fear he may be in danger although I don't think Rita knows yet,” Moffuzan explained.

“Why him? Why would you tell this Robert guy if he is just some random human?” Jason asked.

“He has access to a lot of files and information crucial to the operation. Also he knew about a lot of alien stuff before the attacks even began. He's not scared of monsters like most humans, which is why I chose to contact him before anyone else,” Moffuzan replied.

“We've been getting messages. They appear to be coming from Rita's moon palace,” Trini said.

Moffuzan nodded and he could see where this was going.

“Yes, there is one member there who is part of the operation. Someone who does not want to hurt anyone and has been trying to reach out to protect us. His current position keeps him stuck up there though. I do worry about him, he is clever but is quite weak. He only has one friend and I do suspect that he also wants to get out of Rita's stronghold,” Moffuzan explained.

“If he wants to get out, shouldn't we help whoever it is?” Kimberly asked.

“That would be difficult. He will leave soon and expose Rita's plans, we just need a bit of time, which unfortunately we do not have,” Moffuzan replied.

“Which one is it if I may ask?” Tommy asked.

Meanwhile back down in Stone Canyon in his suburbian house, Robert received a strange call.

“It's me, we need to talk urgently. I will meet you at this location,” the voice on the end said revealing a secret location, what Robert wrote down.

“I'll be there. And be careful, it is dangerous for you to be contacting me,” Robert replied.

“Don't worry about me, I'm just a pawn here anyway,” the voice said before hanging up.

Robert left the house and got in his car before driving to an abandoned warehouse about a two hour drive down south from Stone Canyon.

The being who called him got into the passenger seat of his car. He was already waiting for Robert to show up and before getting in the car, looked round to make sure that he wasn't followed.

“Rita doesn't know I'm gone so we are safe. Plus I doubt she would even notice me even if I wasn't. Anyway our friend, who you know as Moffuzan is safe. The power rangers should know by now what is going on,” he said.

“What about you?” Robert asked.

“I'm just an alchemist. All I do is mix potions. I've already wasted 10,000 years being stuck in a dumpster but now I want to help you and your planet. Rita won't stop until she gets what she wants,” the being replied.

“What is it she wants?” Robert asked.

“Complete and utter dominance over your world. Either that or destruction and death. That's all she cares about. I have a friend who I consider very special to me and I know he feels exactly the same as I do although he does not know yet that I am part of the operation,” the being said.

“Maybe you should tell him,” Robert replied.

“I will in time. Anyway there is one other thing I wanted to tell you. This is very secret but I feel I can trust you with this. Rita would literally kill me if she found out I told you,” the being said while writing down some co-ordinates on a piece of paper.

“Here is the location of a safety deposit box. The codes to open the box are on the paper. You will find some big surprises inside that box. I cannot tell you anymore than that at this time. I will contact you again in a few weeks,” he added before stepping out the car.

“Wait, I didn't get your name,” Robert said.

“I am Baboo,” the being said finally revealing his identity to Robert.

Back at the command centre, the power rangers were shocked to learn from Moffuzan who was sending the messages.

“Baboo? You mean that same creature who turned Billy and Kim into punks,” Tommy said. The power rangers always knew though that he and his friend, who happened to be Squatt did not seem to be evil enough but was still surprised to find out that Baboo was part of the rebel operation.


PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:05 pm 
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Chapter 6

After meeting with Baboo, Robert travelled back home. He needed to work tomorrow so would wait until later in the week before going on another journey.

Back on the moon, Rita was planning her next attack when the palace starting shaking. Everyone inside was worried not knowing what was happening. Goldar, on the other hand, knew what this meant.

“Lord Zedd has returned,” Goldar said. This made Rita groan. This was something she had feared for a long time. Goldar left Rita as he walked up to the upper section of the palace known as the Chamber of Command. Lord Zedd was in fact the real ruler of the group and he was not happy at all with Rita.

“Welcome back my lord, it is good to have you back,” Goldar said bowing in front of Zedd.

“It has been a long time Goldar. Now where is that good for nothing witch Rita,” Zedd replied sitting down on his metallic throne. On that note, Rita walked in trying to fake a smile.

“Zeddy, welcome back. So what brings you here?” Rita said.

“Silence. You have failed. You are not worthy of the title “Empress of Evil”,” Zedd shouted. As he shouted, the chamber changed to a much darker colour. His anger seemed to influence the atmosphere and colours of the whole palace.

“But Zeddy,” Rita said now almost crying.

“Enough. You will pay for the price of failure. Get this woman out of my sight,” Zedd shouted. This shouting along with the change of atmosphere scared much of the minions. They never dared say a word. Goldar was too quick to turn on Rita however. He, too, was sick of Rita and in reality, only answered to Zedd.

Back in the command centre, Zordon was aware of recent events and told Alpha to contact the power rangers at once. Zordon told them about Zedd and how he was a lot more dangerous than Rita.

Moffuzan who was now on a space mission was also aware and would return to Earth once he had finished his mission elsewhere.

Zedd shrinked Rita with his spectre and locked her in the same dumpster she had previously been trapped in for over 10,000 years and sent her flying into space.

Both Finster and Scorpina were quite close to Rita so felt sorry for her but would never dare try and reason with Zedd in fear they would be destroyed. While all this was going on, Baboo started to walk slowly into the back and motioned Squatt to follow him. They walked into Baboo's room and closed the door behind him.

“Are you okay? You don't look too good,” Squatt said noticing Baboo's anxious expression on his face.

“I don't really like how this is going. That Zedd person seems really freaky. I'm really scared Squatt,” Baboo replied.

“He seems quite cool. We should be thankful he turned up,” Squatt said. Baboo shook his head and looked like he was about to cry.

“Baboo, what's wrong? There's something else, isn't there?” Squatt asked.

“I can't do this anymore. This whole “being evil” thing. There are things I need to tell you,” Baboo replied.

“You're not thinking of quitting, are you? Come on, what's going on?” Squatt asked. He was really concerned for Baboo. Baboo sighed then told him about Operation Blackfoot and about Moffuzan and other details. Squatt listened intently. He knew that he wasn't really evil either and didn't really know why he stayed with Rita.

“Listen Baboo, whatever you wish to do, I am with you all the way. Zedd and Goldar won't listen and would likely destroy us if they knew what you were up to. But you are right, I had also questioned my loyalty even before the Shellshock incident,” Squatt said. Baboo nodded. Their friendship was important to him and wanted to keep it so he was happy that Squatt agreed with his cause.

Goldar who was still in the main lobby noticed that Squatt and Baboo had disappeared and went to look for them. He thought he had heard voices in Baboo's room and looked inside to find it empty.

“Where did they go?” Goldar growled. He then walked back to the chamber of command to report their dissapearance to Zedd. Zedd promised to destroy them if they ever returned.

Squatt followed Baboo to his spaceship what had been left on another part of the Moon since their arrival many millenia ago.

“So where are we going to go?” Squatt asked as they finally arrived at the spaceship, what was still intact.

“We should head to the main base where the rebel operation has its meetings. We are going to Onyx,” Baboo replied. Squatt nodded his head, neither of them had set foot on a world other than the Earth and Moon for a long time and was glad to finally leave. Zedd's appearance was just the right time for them to make their escape.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 4:23 am 
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Chapter 7

The power rangers watched helplessly as their zords got frozen by Zedd's monster Piranthishead.

“You see Goldar, I come back and am able to control their zords in just one attempt. Much more than Rita and her pathetic monsters,” Zedd laughed.

This comment really offended Finster and a few other monsters who were in earshot.

“Deal with it,” Finster heard Goldar say obviously directed at him. Finster regarded his monsters as really fine soldiers. They may not have succeeded for the most part but he thought of them as good friends also. He cared a lot about his creations and gave them all souls. They were more than just clay as far as he was concerned. Of course, the power rangers wouldn't see it that way.

Finster walked into his workshop and closed the door. He wanted Rita back, Zedd didn't care about him. Plus he was worried about Squatt and Baboo as he noticed they had now gone. He took one good look at his Monster-Matic and hung his head.

“What am I even doing here?” Finster thought to himself. “Sure, Rita was bad but that guy out there is pure evil.”

He locked himself in his workshop and tried to think of a plan to look for Rita. He was angry at Goldar for betraying her like that. He was also pondering on whether to walk out but only if Rita didn't come back. He didn't like Zedd at all.

“You see that Goldar, even that little runt Finster is scared of me. He's gone and locked himself away,” Zedd said back in the main chamber.

“Yes, some of these are so attached to Rita and would not have it any other way,” Goldar replied.

Piranthishead later informed Zedd about the new Thunderzords what angered Zedd as he thought the zords were completely destroyed. He ordered Piranthishead to destroy the rangers at all costs.

As they started travelling to Onyx, Squatt noticed a dumpster flying through space.

“Hey, that looks like Rita, should we go and help her?” Squatt asked. Baboo looked to where Squatt was looking and saw the dumpster.

Baboo was thinking what to do and then decided to change course. He steered the ship towards where the dumpster was and followed it.

“Okay I admit it, Rita wasn't all too bad. At least compared to that Zedd person back there. We'll get Rita and see what we can do from there,” Baboo said as he kept fixed on the dumpster's course.

“What about this operation you told me about?” Squatt asked.

“That is still ongoing. We have at least six more years before the main invasion so we got plenty of time to prepare,” Baboo replied.

Zedd was furious when he realised Piranthishead had been defeated and likely destroyed by the new thunderzords. He began to suspect that the rangers were not to be underestimated and not just “little children” as he referred to them.

“None of this would have happened if you used my monsters,” Finster remarked while still in his workshop.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:58 pm 
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Chapter 8

During the pursuit of Rita's dumpster, Baboo placed his ship right above it and pressed a button releasing a hook above the handle of the dumpster. He needed to be very careful as any mistake could throw the dumpster out into space or knock the spaceship offcourse. After grabbing the dumpster successfully, Baboo did a u-turn back to the moon but set course to the other side of it away from the palace.

Moffuzan was back on Earth and proceeded to interfere with another battle. Zedd's second monster Primator was loose and Moffuzan found him alone in Angel Grove park.

“So you must be one of Zedd'smonsters, I am Moffuzan and I am here to take you down,” Moffuzan said startling Primator.

“I will destroy you and anyone who gets in my way,” Primator responded as they charged at each other. They started throwing punches at each other and this alerted both the command centre and also Zedd. Goldar told him that Moffuzan previously battled with Lizzinator. Zedd told Goldar he would keep a close eye on him.

Back in the command centre, the power rangers saw the battle on the viewing globe.

“Zordon, we should go and help Moffuzan. That monster was obviously there to attack us but Moffuzan got to him first,” Jason said.

“You are right Jason, you should go right away,” Zordon replied as the power rangers morphed into action and arrived on the scene.

During the distraction, Moffuzan took out his battling sword for the first time and took a swipe at Primator. His sword resembled Goldar's sword although a bit smaller.

“Hey, that's not fair, I got distracted by those rangers,” Primator complained.

“Like you fought fair anyway,” Moffuzan hit back. The power rangers joined the fight while Primator tried to defend himself.

Zedd saw Primator getting ganged up on and threw a grenade down to make him big.

“Oh no,” Moffuzan said and retreated to a safe distance.

“We need Thunderzord power now,” Jason called as the zords came and formed to make the Thunder Megazord. Tommy called the Dragonzord and they proceeded to fight the giant sized Primator.

Moffuzan who was watching this battle thought about the way about how most of Rita and Zedd's monsters always ended up growing. He needed that same skill in order to be able to battle certain monsters. He was certain the power rangers would be able to handle it this time round though.

Zedd was angry when Primator got destroyed and promised that he would defeat the power rangers whatever the cost. Little did he know of the events happening on another part of the Moon.

Squatt and Baboo carried Rita's dumpster onto the Moon and released it onto the surface. They got out of the spaceship and stood by the dumpster. They looked at each other and nodded their heads, they knew what needed to be done.

Baboo turned the lid of the dumpster and released Rita who returned back to her full size like she did the last time she released.

“Squatt, Baboo, you released me. Thank you. But where are we?” Rita asked.

“We are back on the moon, but we are quite far from the palace,” Baboo said. It was pointless explaining the full story how they got there in the first place.

“I don't know why or how you are this far out from the palace but it doesn't really matter now. What does matter is getting back my palace,” Rita replied. Baboo breathed a sigh of relief. They took a long walk up up the palace, what really wasn't that far from where the spaceship was left.

Zedd on the other hand was making plans to destroy the power rangers once and for all and it didn't include making cliche monsters.

“What do you have in mind, my lord?” Goldar asked standing by his master.

“You'll see, Goldar. You'll see,” Zedd laughed.


PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:09 pm 
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Chapter 9

It was the weekend once again and now Robert, who had previously been in contact with Baboo had been given directions to a safety despost box, what apparently held some more secrets as a part of Operation Blackfoot.

The location was a bank in Helena, Montana, what was a long distance from Stone Canyon in southern California. He hoped that what he would find would be worth it though. He got a flight over that morning. He walked into the bank and headed over to the safety box and typed in the codes to unlock it. Inside was a booklet, a key and a small communication device. He stored them all in his backpack then locked the safe back up. He would study these contents when he returned home.

Back on the moon, Finster had been out of work for a short while and it felt like Zedd and Goldar had forgotten about him. Scorpina wasn't too bothered and still stood by Goldar's side and battled with him whenever it happened.

After Primator's defeat, Zedd was thinking of raising the stakes. It was obvious to him that simple monster attacks were not working and had no intention of asking for Finster's help or any of his monsters backstage in the palace.

Contrary to popular belief, most of Finster's monsters were resurrected shortly after they were destroyed with their memories intact. Many of which were thousands of years old with their own histories. The palace in actual fact was full of monsters who tend to act as servants or guards as such but usually only stay in the back.

Finster was the only one who cared enough for their wellbeing and always checked up on them all. Most of them loved Rita and didn't particularly like Zedd for how he got rid of her.

Zedd thought they were all useless though and instead was planning on destroying the power rangers personally without anyone else's interference. He teleported himself down to Earth just outside Angel Grove and started zapping things with his Z-staff scaring everyone away. He did almost hit a few people by the closeness of his attacks.

This set off the command centre sirens and once again, the power rangers were called into action.

“So this is the famous Lord Zedd,” Tommy said. His powers were weakening ever since the Green Candle incident but was determined to battle on.

“Soon to be the ruler of the entire universe,” Zedd replied as he shot a blast from his staff right at Tommy. He repeated these shots at the other rangers knocking them back.

“Aaaw what's the matter rangers? Aren't you going to call your zords? Oh I forgot, you cannot escalate a battle unless I force you to,” Zedd taunted as he shot more blasts but in a slow fashion not giving thema chance to get back to their feet.

“Noo, we won't let you beat us,” Tommy groaned. As the power rangers struggled to get back up, Zedd walked slowly up to them and hovered his staff above them.

“Goodbye power rangers,” Zedd said as his staff charged up for a power blast. Just as he was about to fire, the power rangers were teleported back to the command centre.

“Damn you Zordon, I almost had them,” Zedd shouted as the blast just went through the ground barely missing the rangers.

“That was too close,” Zack said as the rangers tried to get their breath back. They were also in a lot of pain.

“I'm sorry rangers, I had not prepared for this and was not expecting Zedd to make such a surprise attack,” Zordon said.

“What are we supposed to do Zordon? Zedd is too powerful for us. And that was just him normal sized,” Tommy said.

“Zedd is more powerful than any regular monster you have faced or are likely to face in the future so you must be prepared to use whatever is in your arsenal to defeat him if he does something like this again,” Zordon replied.

Zedd was now back on the moon furious that he had been foiled so easily. He knew the rangers would be a lot more prepared next time so decided to go back to the monster methods.

After Robert had returned home, he took a read of the booklet he found in the safety box back in the Montana bank. What he read intrigued him. It appeared to be a complete catalogue on the United Alliance of Evil and other factions.

He was still unsure what the key was for and he took a look at it. He thought it opened some kind of vehicle of some sort. Robert believed it could be a key to some kind of spaceship. He locked them all away along with the communication device in one of his drawers and he would try using the communicator tomorrow.


PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:45 pm 
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Chapter 10

That next morning, Tommy had been called into the command centre alone. None of the other power rangers were present as Zordon only wanted to see Tommy.

Alpha gave Tommy a diagnostic check and the news was not good at all. Zordon told him that his future as the green ranger was all but gone. This devestated Tommy as he enjoyed being a power ranger and felt he had a duty to protect the planet from attacks from the likes of Zedd.

“I can't believe this is the end. Is there anything we can do?” Tommy asked.

“There is one other reason why I called you here Tommy. Ever since Rita's green candle burned out, me and Alpha have been working on a brand new power source. We both believe you are the perfect choice for this experiment,” Zordon said.

“Does this mean I still get to be a power ranger?” Tommy said hopeful.

“Yes. Alpha and I have formed a new power coin what controls the White Tigerzord and allows you to morph into the white ranger,” Zordon replied as he showed Tommy the new zord and his ranger suit. Tommy was overwhelmed and very happy to know he would still be able to be a power ranger and was also told that it could never be stolen by the forces of evil.

Back in his Stone Canyon home, Robert examined his communicating device what he acquired from the bank. It appeared to have no battery although looked like it might still work. He thought for a few moments and then started to speak into it.

“Hello, this is Professor Robert Coleman. I am calling from Stone Canyon, California. If anyone is there, please respond,” he said. There was no answer, he repeated a few times and still got no answer. He noticed a frequency changer on the side, what he messed around with.

Back on the moon, something caught Finster's attention in his workshop. He noticed a signal coming through on his radio and tried to listen in. Robert then repeated what he said previously. This made Finster jump when he realised someone was breaking in his transmissions.

“This is Finster. Who are you? How are you able to broadcast at this frequency?” he replied through the other end. Robert recognised the name straight away and was now sweating with anxiety. He didn't know what to say.

“I don't know. I guess I got lucky,” Robert said nervously.

“Like hell you did. I'm onto you mister. You should watch your back,” Finster replied before turning off the connection. Robert placed the communicator back in his drawer. He realised he was now in a dangerous situation. He had access to a lot of confidential information and it was likely the bad guys will try anything to try and take it from him.

It was at this moment when Rita along with Squatt and Baboo reached the back entrance to the moon palace.

“So the green ranger has been given new powers and is now the white ranger,” Zedd said who had been spying on Tommy through his telescopic eyes.

“It doesn't matter what colour he is, he will never defeat us. And neither will the other power rangers,” Goldar replied.

Finster called in two of his favourite monsters for an important errand. Eye Guy and Socadillo stood in front of Finster and waited for instructions.

“There is a human down on Earth who I believe is spying on us. I don't think he is with the power rangers and is only a civilian. I want you to go down and find out what he knows about us. Make him talk but don't hurt him. We may need to hold him in the palace dungeons later so make sure he doesn't run away,” Finster said. Both monsters understood and Finster gave them the name and address of Robert as they went down in pursuit of him.

Zedd was about to make another monster when he heard some familiar voices. He turned round and so did Goldar and they were both shocked.

“Rita, you came back,” Zedd said as he saw Rita standing there along with Squatt and Baboo on either side.

Finster heard what was going on outside and came out to greet Rita.

“I am back and I'm here to stay,” Rita replied as Zedd just groaned.


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