popple: i'll rob this guy Mario: your going to rob me popple: no Mario: okay popple grabs Mario's wallet and runs popple: part 1 complete at Mario's house Mario is seen with the police Mario:so lets go look for the thief popple: now to blow a hole in his safe 1 hour later money is seen flying in the air popple is grabbing it popple: now to leave Mario and police: put your hands up popple: come rookie Mk III rookie Mk III: fight rpg battle
popple hp 12/80 rookie Mk III hp 122/122 vs Mario hp 50/100 toad cop hp 1/1
rookie Mk III : here boss rookie Mk III gives popple a mushroom popple hp 80/80 popple : robber attack rookie Mk III splits into 20 popple clones the popple clones run Mario and toad cop toad cop hp 1 half/1 Mario hp 0/100 toad cop shots rookie Mk III rookie Mk III hp 61/122 rookie Mk III punches toad cop toad cop hp 0/1
rpg battle over popple : now lets go rob bowser rookie Mk III: okay
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